Dr. Antonio Lucci is a senior researcher (RTDA) at the University of Turin. In recent years, he has held guest professorships in “Cultural Theory and Aesthetics of Cultural Studies,” “History of Knowledge and Culture” (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin) and “Religious Studies” (Freie Universität Berlin), as well as international fellowships (including IFK Vienna; FIPH Hannover; IISF Naples; University “Gabriele D’Annunzio” Chieti). Before that, he was a research associate at the Institute for Cultural Studies at the Humboldt University of Berlin and a post-doctoral fellow at the TOPOI Cluster of Excellence. His publications on Philosophy as Way of Life include: La stella ascetica. Ascesi e soggettivazione in Friedrich Nietzsche (Rome 2020); Askese als Beruf. Die sonderbare Kulturgeschichte der Schmuckeremiten (Wien 2019); Un’acrobatica del pensiero. La filosofia dell’esercizio di Peter Sloterdijk (Rome 2014).
Email address: antonio.lucci@unito.it
Institutional webpage: https://www.dfe.unito.it/do/docenti.pl/Alias?antonio.lucci#tab-profilo