Matheus Maciel Paiva is a doctoral researcher at the Federal University of Paraná (PGFIL-UFPR/Brazil) in the research line of Ethics and Politics. His project, titled “Martin Heidegger and Philosophy as a Way of Life,” proposes a “heideggerian moment” in face of the “cartesian moment” diagnosed by Foucault. From April to September 2024 he is doing a research stay at IFILNOVA (NOVA Institute of Philosophy), under the supervision of Professor Dr. Marta Faustino. His project, titled “The Martin Heidegger Thought in Light of Philosophy as a Way of Life”, aims to investigate Heidegger’s concept of philosophy in the 1920s, exploring connections to Foucault’s care of the self and spirituality. Previously, he earned his Master’s degree at the Federal University of Paraná (PGFIL-UFPR/Brazil) with a research project entitled “Reconstruction of Giorgio Agamben’s Biopolitical Machines: Questions for a Democratic Political Praxis.” Furthermore, he graduated in Law from the Law School of Southern Minas Gerais in 2019.
Email address: matheusmacielpaivacxb@gmail.com