Marc-Henri Deroche is an Associate Professor at Kyoto University, Japan, where he teaches Buddhist and Tibetan studies, and supervises the transdisciplinary Mindful Living Research Group, at the crossroads of religious studies, philosophy, and psychology. His research investigates mindfulness according to theories and manuals of meditation with a specialization in Dzogchen texts and traditions. He obtained his PhD in East Asian Studies at the École Pratique des Hautes Études (Paris). His publications include a monograph, Une quête tibétaine de la sagesse: Prajñāraśmi (1518–1584) et les sources de l’attitude impartiale (ris med) (Brepols, 2023), an edited special issue of the journal Religions on Study, Reflection, and Cultivation: Integrative Paths to Wisdom from Buddhist and Comparative Perspectives (2023), a co-edited special issue of the journal Cahiers d’Extrême-Asie on Tibetan Studies in Japan: Approaching the High Plateau from the Archipelago (2024), and articles appearing in journals such as Revue d’Études Tibétaines, Bulletin of Tibetology, Asian Philosophy, Philosophy East and West, Eidos, Journal of Buddhist Ethics, and others. He has also trained as a teacher in Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy with the University of Oxford’s Mindfulness Research Centre and Oxford Mindfulness Foundation, and is a fellow of the Mind and Life Institute (USA). He has been living in Kyoto since 2008, and has traveled extensively in the Tibetan and Himalayan cultural world.
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