Luca Mori is a researcher in the History of Philosophy at the Department of Civilizations and Forms of Knowledge at the University of Pisa (Italy). His research focuses on the comparative analysis of models of philosophy as a way of life, developed in different eras and locations. Luca obtained his Ph.D. in Philosophical Disciplines at the University of Pisa. He was among the coordinators of the Master’s program in Yoga Studies: Body and Meditation in the Asian Traditions (University of Venice) and teaches in the Master’s program in Neuroscience, Mindfulness, and Contemplative Practices (University of Pisa). He is the founder and editor of the series Philosophies of Exercise (ETS Editions, Pisa) and is a member of the scientific committee of the series Histories, Theories and Practices of Labour and of the Idea of Leisure (Firenze University Press). Since 2005, he has designed and led philosophical conversation workshops in primary and secondary schools across Italy and has authored various books on an original approach to philosophy with children (his book Philosophical Riddles won the 2019 BELMA Award – Best European Learning Material Award – at the Frankfurt Book Fair). His publications include The Exercises of Socrates: The Art of Self-Improvement (2023), Hannah Arendt: Philosophy and Politics After Auschwitz (2023), and Kinetics of the Psyche: Self-Care and Philosophical Exercises from the Ancient World to the 17th Century (2021).
Email address: luca.mori@unipi.it
Institutional webpage: https://people.unipi.it/luca_mori