Dr. Leonard J. Waks is Professor Emeritus of Educational Leadership at Temple University, USA. He was Distinguished Professor of Educational Studies at Hangzhou Normal University from 2018-2021. Waks attended the University of Wisconsin (B.A philosophy, 1964; Ph. D. philosophy 1968) and taught philosophy at Purdue University and Stanford University. He taught educational studies at Temple University and earned an Ed.D. in Organizational Psychology from Temple and a professional psychotherapy certificate from the Albert Ellis Institute in 1984. Waks is the author of Education 2.0: The Learningweb Revolution and the Transformation of the School (Paradigm, 2013), and The Evolution and Evaluation of Massive Open Online Courses: MOOCs in Motion (Palgrave, 2016), as well as numerous scholarly articles and book chapters. He is a past president of the John Dewey Society, and has been awarded the Dewey Society’s Lifetime Achievement Award. He is founding editor of the journal Dewey Studies.
Email address: ljwaks@yahoo.com
Webpage: http://www.leonardwaks.net/