Marta Faustino is an appointed research fellow at IFILNOVA (NOVA Institute of Philosophy), where she coordinates the Art of Living Permanent Seminar (CultureLab). She studied Sciences of Communication (2002) and Philosophy (2005) at the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences of the NOVA University Lisbon and earned her Doctorate in Philosophy (2013), from the same university, with a thesis on Nietzsche’s conceptions of ‘great health’ and therapy. She is currently working on an individual research project on philosophy as a way of life, with a particular focus on Nietzsche, Hadot, and Foucault. From 2018 to 2022, she was the coordinator of the Art of Living Research Group and she is currently leading, as Principal Investigator, the FCT Exploratory Project “Mapping Philosophy as a Way of Life: An Ancient Model, A Contemporary Approach”. She is a member of LNG (Lisbon Nietzsche Group), GIRN (Groupe International de Recherches sur Nietzsche), HyperNietzsche, Red Iberoamericana Foucault and Mellon Philosophy as a Way of Life Network. She is author of several articles and essays on Nietzsche, Hadot, Foucault and the Hellenistic philosophers, and co-editor of Nietzsche e Pessoa: Ensaios (Tinta-da-china, 2016), Rostos do Si: Autobiografia, Confissão, Terapia (Vendaval, 2019), The Late Foucault: Ethical and Political Questions (Bloomsbury, 2020) and Filosofia Como Modo de Vida: Ensaios Escolhidos (Edições 70, 2022).
Email address: martafaustino@fcsh.unl.pt
Institutional webpage: https://ifilnova.pt/pessoas/marta-faustino