António de Castro Caeiro (Lisbon, 1966) is a professor at Faculty of Social Sciences/ New University of Lisbon and belongs to the Investigation Unity IFILNOVA. He is an essayist and translator. He obtained his doctorate in Ancient Philosophy with the thesis “The Areté as a Extreme Possibility of the Human, Phenomenology of Praxis in Plato and Aristotle” (1998), He teaches at FCSH since 1990. He’s working on Ancient and Contemporary Philosophy. He was Visiting Scholar at USP (São Paulo), USF (Florida) and Oriel College (Oxford). He translated Pindar’s Pythical Odes (Quetzal, 2010) and the Olympic Odes (Abysmo, 2017). Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics (Quetzal), The Fragments of Dialogues (INCM, 2014) and The Lost Constitutions (Abysmo, 2018). He also published the essays Saint Paul: “Apocalypse and Conversion” (Aletheia, 2014) “One Day is not every Day” (Abysmo, 2015) and recently in the UK “Reflexions on Everyday Life” (Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2019). The Scientific Fragments of Aristotle (Abysmo, 2022).
Email address: acaeiro@mac.com
Institutional webpage: https://ifilnova.pt/en/people/antonio-de-castro-caeiro/