Lucas Machado is substitute professor of History of Philosophy at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, having completed his PhD and his MA in Philosophy at the University of São Paulo. He is the current director of the Latin-American Network of Intercultural Philosophy (ALAFI), author of the book Hegel and the Relationship Between Skepticism and Philosophy (Editora Dialética, 2022), and one of the translators of Byung-Chul Han’s work to Brazilian Portuguese, while also having translated works of other modern and contemporary philosophers such as Hegel, Fichte, Markus Gabriel and Dieter Henrich. He has published several articles and given talks on German Idealism, Philosophy of Mind, Ancient Philosophy (both Greek and Indian), Intercultural Philosophy, Byung-Chul Han’s philosophy, PWL and other themes.
Email address: lucasmachado47@gmail.com
Institutional webpage: https://usp-br.academia.edu/LucasNascimentoMachado