Alan Rosenberg is Professor of Philosophy, Emeritus at Queens College of the City University of New York. His scholarly work has focused on philosophical issues relating to Philosophy as A Way of Life, Self-Fashion, Nietzsche, Foucault and Heidegger. Rosenberg is the co-author of over 80 journal articles and book chapters. He is also the co-editor of a number of books including Echoes From the Holocaust: Philosophical Reflections on a Dark Time (Temple University Press, 1988); Healing Their Wounds: Psychotherapy and Holocaust Survivors (Praeger, 1989); Psychoanalytic Versions of the Human Condition (New York University Press, 1998); Contemporary Portrayals of Auschwitz: Philosophical Challenges (Prometheus Books, 2000); Foucault and Heidegger: Critical Encounters (University of Minnesota Press, 2003); Experiments in Thinking the Holocaust: Auschwitz, Modernity and Philosophy (Polish edition: Wydawnicto Naukowe “Scholar,” 2004); and Reading Nietzsche at the Margins (Purdue University Press, 2008). Foucault And Nietzsche: A Critical Encounter (New York: Bloomsbury, 2018). Rosenberg was also a Co-Founder & Associate Editor of Foucault Studies. In 2004 was visiting professor at Warsaw University and in 2008 at the Copenhagen Business School, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Email address: foucnietz@nyc.rr.com
Institutional webpage: https://qc-cuny.academia.edu/AlanRosenberg