Andrea Díaz Genis is a full-time senior professor at the Department of History and Philosophy of Education, Faculty of Humanities and Educational Sciences, University of the Republic of Uruguay. PhD in Philosophy from the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (summa cum laude) with a thesis on the philosophy of the eternal return of the same in the work of F. Nietzsche. Post-doctorate in Ibero-American Philosophy, Philosophy of Education and the thought of the late Foucault (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Universidad Complutense de Madrid at Spain and Paris VIII, France). Undergraduate and postgraduate invited professor in Mexico, El Salvador, Venezuela, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Paraguay, Spain and France, and lecturer at several universities in Latin America and Europe. Author of the books: La Construcción de la identidad en América Latina – una aproximación hermenéutica (Nordan, 2004), El eterno retorno de lo mismo o el terror a la Historia (Ideas, 2008), Formación humana desde una perspectiva filosófica. Inquietud, cuidado de sí y de los otros, autoconocimiento (Biblos, 2016 – National Prize for Literature of Uruguayan Ministry of Education and Culture, 2015). Director of the Academic Journal Fermentario. She has written numerous academic articles in refereed journals on her specialty and as co-edited 11 books on the following topics: Montaigne’s thought; Nietzsche’s posthumous work and the last Foucault; human formation from a philosophical perspective; cultural identities; ethics of care and human development and the problem of freedom and secularism in education. She is one of the founders and currently coordinator of the Thematic Network of Laicism at the University of the Republic.
Email address: diazgena@gmail.com
Webpage: https://www.fhce.edu.uy/images/UPEP/Educacion_Permanente/2017/curriculum/cvandrea.pdf