Caleb Cohoe is Professor and Chair of the Department of Philosophy at Metropolitan State University of Denver. Since receiving his doctorate in 2012 from Princeton University’s Program in Classical Philosophy, he has published on ancient Greek and Roman philosophy, medieval philosophy, and philosophy of religion in journals including Apeiron, British Journal for the History of Philosophy, Oxford Studies in Philosophy of Religion, Philosophical Quarterly, and Phronesis. Cohoe is the editor of Aristotle’s On the Soul: A Critical Guide (Cambridge University Press, 2022). He has served as one of the Lead Faculty Advisors for the Philosophy as a Way of Life Project, co-authored two articles with Stephen R. Grimm on living philosophically, and defended Augustine’s otherworldly approach to happiness in an Oxford Studies in Medieval Philosophy article. Cohoe has ongoing projects on Aristotle’s theory of understanding and Augustine’s views on philosophical and religious ways of life.
Email address: calebcohoe@gmail.com
Webpage: http://www.ccohoe.com/