Cassiana Stephan is a postdoctoral fellow in the Graduate Program in Philosophy at the Federal University of Paraná (PGFIL-UFPR/Brazil), in the field of Ethics and Politics, with a research project entitled “Philosophies of Love: On the Relationship between Spirituality, Melancholy, and Ambivalence”. She also earned, from the same university, her Doctorate, during which she carried out a research internship at the University of Lille (ULille/France). In addition, she was awarded the first scholarship of the Michel Foucault’s Center (CMF/France) in partnership with the Institute for Contemporary Publishing Archives (IMEC/France), where she resided and researched the archives of Michel Foucault, Marguerite Duras and Jean-Pierre Vernant. His doctoral research, whose book was published in 2022, entitled Amor pelo avesso: de Afrodite a Medusa. Estética da existência entre antigos e contemporâneos [Love in Reverse: From Aphrodite to Medusa. Aesthetics of Existence between Ancients and Contemporaries], received the 2020 Outstanding Academic Philosophers award, granted by the Brazilian Network of Philosopher Women (RBMF/Brazil) in partnership with the National Association of Graduate Studies in Philosophy (ANPOF/Brazil). She is also the author of the book O si mesmo, os outros e o mundo: o diálogo interrompido entre Michel Foucault e Pierre Hadot [The Self, the Others, and the World: The Interrupted Dialogue between Michel Foucault and Pierre Hadot], that is the result of her master’s research, which in 2016 was awarded the prize for the best master’s dissertation by ANPOF/Brazil.
Email address: cassianastephan@yahoo.com.br
Institutional webpage: http://lattes.cnpq.br/1784215738802280