Daniel Louis Wyche received his PhD from the University of Chicago Divinity School in 2020. His reasearch focuses on the political content and consequences of philosophical notions of “spiritual exericses,” “the care of the self,” philosophy as a form of life, or what may be generally called ethical practices of self-change. His first book, The Care of the Self and the Care of the Other (forthcoming from Columbia University Press) investigates the question of how, from what perspective, and under what conditions, might forms of the care of the self be coterminus in practice with the care of the other, the care of the community, and the care of the city. Alongside Niki Kasumi Clements, Daniel is co-organizer of the Foucault and the Study of Religion seminar at the American Academy of Religion. Daniel has also been active as a musician, curator, and programmer with a number of organizations within the world of experimental and improvised music and related arts for over a decade, and is especially interested in the relationship between improvisation and forms of philosophical life.
Email address: daniel.wyche@gmail.com
Institutional webpage: https://www.danielwyche.com/