Hélder Telo is an appointed research fellow at PRAXIS – Center for Philosophy, Politics and Culture (University of Beira Interior, Portugal) and a member of the team working on the FCT exploratory project “Mapping Philosophy as a Way of Life: An Ancient Model, A Contemporary Approach” (Nova University of Lisbon). His research primarily focuses on topics such as the desire for truth, care, and emotions in both ancient and contemporary philosophy (especially Plato, Aristotle, Stoicism, and Heidegger). Hélder Telo is co-editor of the book Hadot and Foucault on Ancient Philosophy: Critical Assessments (Brill, 2024) and the book collection Filosofia & Valores (Edições 70). His recent publications also include “Plato’s Philosophical Mimesis: On the Pedagogical and Protreptic Value of Imperfection” (Schole, 2022) and “The Care of Others in Marcus Aurelius’ Meditations” (in Philosophy of Care, Springer, 2021).
Email address: helder.telo@ubi.pt
Institutional webpage: https://www.praxis.ubi.pt/pt/people/investigadores-integrados/helder-telo