Mariana Rincon is a Ph.D. student in Philosophy at the NOVA University of Lisbon, with a thesis on Schelling’s Philosophy of Mythology. After obtaining her bachelor’s degree in Philosophy at the University of São Paulo, she developed her MA dissertation “The Inevitable Conflict Between Philosophical Systems in Schelling’s Philosophical Letters on Dogmatism and Criticism” funded by CAPES (2021-2023) at the same university. She participates in the optional unit of the research project “Mapping Philosophy as a Way of Life: An Ancient Model a Contemporary Approach” with a study on Pierre Hadot’s critical consideration of the way philosophy has been practiced and produced since the 18th century by authors such as Schelling in the context of modern university. In a comparative way, she examines the ideia of university and the way it is related to philosophy in the thought of one of the 19th century German philosophers mentioned by Hadot, Schelling.
Email address: mariana.rincom@gmail.com