Simone D’Agostino is Full Professor of History of Early Modern Philosophy at the Faculty of Philosophy of the Gregorian University, Rome. Among the books he published, two are the works on early-modern philosophy, Sistemi filosofici moderni: Descartes, Spinoza, Locke, Hume (Pisa: ETS, 2013) and Spiritual Exercises and Early Modern Philosophy: Bacon, Descartes, Spinoza (Leiden: Brill 2023). The central topic of his current research is “mapping” PWL in early-modern time. He leads a research group at the Gregorian University dedicated to PWL with a thematic focus on attention (2021-2025).
Email address: dagostino@unigre.it
Institutional webpage: https://www.unigre.it/en/professors/card/?id=338