Ype de Boer is a lecturer at the Radboud University Nijmegen at the department Metaphysics and Philosophical Anthropology. His research focuses on the relation between ontology, ethics and imagination. In what way do perceptions and conceptions of reality translate to ethical attunements? What is the role of the imagination in our understanding of reality? Such questions guided his PhD-research on the notion of ‘happy life’ (vita felice) in the work of Italian philosopher Giorgio Agamben, as well as his books in Dutch: Murakami en het gespleten leven (Murakami and the Ethics of the Split), a philosophical exploration of the fiction of Japanese author Haruki Murakami and Het erotisch experiment. Voorbij de moderne seksuele identiteit (The Erotic Experiment. Beyond Modern Sexual Identity), which combines a Foucault- and Frankfurther Schule inspired critique of the value and role of sex in modern society with a philosophical experiment concerning the Idea of the erotic.
Email address: ype.deboer@ru.nl
Institutional webpage: https://www.ru.nl/en/people/boer-y-de