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The Project’s End

The project ends today, but this end is also a new begining. Stay tuned for good news coming in the near future. In the meantime, you can check our Publications page and Media archive with recordings of most of this project’s activities. See you soon!


PWL International Seminar

The final session of the seminar will take place on February 12, 8 PM (UTC). With the presence of most members and consultants of the project, the team will reflect on past achievements and future prospects for PWL. More information here.


Final Conference

The final conference of the project will take place in Lisbon, on 16-18 October 2024. It will have a hybrid format and count with the participation of most members and consultants of the project. Full information and registration here.


Conversas Filosóficas

From February to July, the project organizes a series of Philosophical Talks, on topics such as Happiness, Love, Freedom, Care, Emotions and Spirituality, in Lisbon, Covilhã, Évora and Torrão. Full information here.


New Year Course

In partnership with Centro Luís Krus, the project offers a New Year Course on Philosophy as a Way of Life in two modules, which can be attended together or separately. The course will be held online and in Portuguese language. Full information here.


Kick-Off Conference

The kick-off conference of the project, “What Exactly is Philosophy as a Way of Life? Boundaries, Crossroads, Deadlocks“, will take place on July 5-6 at the NOVA-FCSH, in Lisbon. More information here.


Project Launch

The exploratory project “Mapping Philosophy as a Way of Life: An Ancient Model, a Contemporary Approach” starts today! Get to know the project, meet the team and stay tuned for all the upcoming events, including the virtual seminar starting next week!