

The Project’s End & New Beginnings

The project ends today. It has been a wonderful journey over the past two years and a privilege to contribute to the growth of PWL studies, exploring open pathways in PWL scholarship. Special thanks to the original members and consultants of the project and to all the collaborators who joined us along the way. Thank you also to all the colleagues who followed our activities, whether online or in person.

This end also marks a new beginning. Stay tuned for good news coming in the near future!

PWL International Seminar | Session 20

The final session of the seminar will take place on February 12, 8 PM (UTC). With the presence of most members and consultants of the project, the team will reflect on past achievements and future prospects for PWL.

More information here.

PWL International Seminar | Session 19

The second last session of the PWL International Seminar will take place on January 14 (2 PM UTC). Sajjad Rizvi will give a talk with the title “Philosophy as a Way of Life in Islamic Philosophy”.

More info here.

Thematic Issue on PWL – Part 2

The second part of a double thematic issue on “What Exactly is Philosophy as a Way of Life?” has just been published by Eidos. A Journal for Philosophy of Culture (Vol. 8. No. 4/2024).

The double issue gathers the contributions presented at the kick-off conference of this project, held at the Nova University of Lisbon, in July 2023.

All papers and essays are freely available in open access here.

PWL International Seminar | Session 18

The next session of the PWL International Seminar will take place on December 11 (4 PM UTC). Lucilla Guidi will give a talk with the title “Wittgenstein’s Philosophical Investigations as Self-Transformative Practices of Imagination”.

More info here.

PWL International Seminar | Session 17

The next session of the PWL International Seminar will take place on November 13 (4 PM UTC). Luca Mori will give a talk with the title “The Kinetic Foundations of Ethics in the Tradition of Philosophy as an Art of Living”.

More info here.

Thematic Issue on PWL

The first part of a double thematic issue on “What Exactly is Philosophy as a Way of Life?” has just been published by Eidos. A Journal for Philosophy of Culture (Vol. 8. No. 3/2024).

The double issue gathers the contributions presented at the kick-off conference of this project, held at the Nova University of Lisbon, in July 2023.

All papers and essays are freely available in open access here.

Final Conference

The final conference of the project will bring together team members, consultants, and collaborators of the project in order to present the most significant results achieved in the last two years. In line with the project’s main objective, the conference will map the vibrant and multifaceted field of philosophy as a way of life (PWL) and present for the first time the main contents of the upcoming Oxford Handbook of Philosophy as a Way of Life. In doing so, it aims to provide an up-to-date overview of the leading research trends in the field while also discussing new avenues of inquiry, use, and application of PWL.

The conference will take place in a hybrid format. Attendance is free, but registration is required via this form.

Full information and programme here.

Book Launch (online)

Official launch of the English editions of Juliusz Domański’s pioneering works, newly published by Brill in the ‘Philosophy as a Way of Life: Texts and Studies’ book series:

Speakers: Matthew Sharpe, Michael Champion, Dragos Calma, John Sellars

More info and registration here.

PWL International Seminar | Session 16

The PWL International Seminar is back! The next session will take place on September 18 (4 PM UTC+1). Kurt Borg will give a talk with the title “On the Essay as a Way of Life: Foucault, Montaigne and Writing as Self-(trans)formation”.

More info here.

Philosophical Talks #6

July 20, 2024

In parnership with Centro de Estudos Globais (Universidade Aberta) and Associação para a Resiliência e a Sustentabilidade da Terra – TARS, this project invites everyone to attend the sixth Philosophical Talk, this time dedicated to Spirituality, which will take place in Torrão, at AQUI – Convento da Terra.

The event will count with the participation of José Eduardo Franco & Fabrizio Boscaglia, and will be moderated by Gianfranco Ferraro.

Entrance is free. All welcome!

More info here.

PWL International Seminar | Session 15

The last session of the PWL International Seminar this academic year will take place on July 17 (4 PM UTC+1). Michael Chase will give a talk with the title “Notes on PWL, Quantum Physics and Epistemic Modesty”.

More info here.

Philosophical Talks #5

June 27, 2024

In parnership with Lisbon City Council, this project invites everyone to attend the fifth Philosophical Talk, this time dedicated to the Emotions, which will take place in Lisbon, at Casa do Comum.

The event will count with the participation of Dina Mendonça & Nuno Miguel Proença, and will be moderated by Bartholomew Ryan.

Entrance is free. All welcome!

More info here.

PWL International Seminar | Session 14

The next session of the PWL International Seminar will take place on June 19 (4 PM UTC+1). Pedro Dotto will give a talk with the title “The Criticism of Writing and Philosophy as a Way of Life in Plato’s Phaedrus.

More info here.

PWL Workshop (University of Verona & Online)

The workshop intends to enhance the metaphilosophical, historiographical and hermeneutic potential of the paradigm now known as “Philosophy as a Way of Life” (PWL), taking into consideration authors of modernity (Malebranche), theoretical problems (theory/practice, transformation) and interactions with other disciplines (physics).

Organization: Prof. Laura Anna Macor (

Speakers: Marta Faustino, Simone D’Agostino, Guido Cusinato, Michael Chase

Discussants: Carlo Chiurco, Lorenzo L. Pizzichemi, Joanna Raisbeck, Alessandro Stavru

More info here.

PWL International Seminar | Session 13

The next session of the PWL International Seminar will take place on May 15 (4 PM UTC+1). Simone D’Agostino will give a talk with the title “Logic as a Way of Life in Descartes and the Cartesians”.

More info here.

Philosophical Talks #4

May 4, 2024

In partnership with PRAXIS (University of Beira Interior) and Sociedade Harmonia Eborense (SHE), this project invites everyone to attend the forth Philosophical Talk, this time dedicated to Care, which will take place in Évora, at Sociedade Harmonia Eborense (SHE).

The event will count with the participation of Irene Borges Duarte & Fernanda Henriques, and will be moderated by Hélder Telo.

Entrance is free. All welcome!

More info here.

PWL International Seminar | Session 12

April 17, 2024

The next session of the PWL International Seminar will take place on April 17 (4 PM UTC+1). Ype de Boer will give a talk with the title “The Use of Life as True Life. Agamben in the Footsteps of Diogenes, Franciscus and Foucault”.

More info here.

Philosophical Talks #3

April 11, 2024

In partnership with Lisbon City Council, this project invites everyone to attend the third Philosophical Talk, this time dedicated to Freedom, which will take place in Lisbon, at Casa do Alentejo.

The event will count with the participation of Maria Filomena Molder & Viriato Soromenho Marques, and will be moderated by Gianfranco Ferraro.

Entrance is free. All welcome!

More info here.

Philosophical Talks #2

March 22, 2024

In partnership with Covilhã City Council, PRAXIS (University of Beira Interior) and Coolabora, this project invites everyone to attend the second Philosophical Talk, this time dedicated to Love. It will take place in Covilhã, at Coolabora.

The event will count with the participation of André Barata, José Rosa and Marta Faustino, and will be moderated by Hélder Telo.

Entrance is free. All welcome!

More info here.

PWL International Seminar | Session 11

March 20, 2024

Session 11 of the PWL International Seminar will take place on March 20 (2 PM UTC). Daniele Lorenzini will give a talk with the title “Genealogical Perfectionism: Nietzsche’s Genealogy as a Perfectionist Endeavor”.

More info here.

Hadot and Foucault on Ancient Philosophy

March 7, 202a

Hadot and Foucault on Ancient Philosophy. Critical Assessments, edited by Marta Faustino and Hélder Telo, has just been published as the fifth volume of Brill’s series on Philosophy as a Way of Life.

The volume provides the first extensive critical assessment of Hadot’s and Foucault’s interpretations of ancient philosophy. It brings together specialists in ancient philosophy, as well as Hadot and Foucault scholars, in order both to explore criticisms and clarify Hadot’s and Foucault’s accounts. In doing so, it not only offers an overview of the main trends in Philosophy as a Way of Life, but also recasts the debate and opens new paths of inquiry in the field.

Contributors: Christoph Horn, Annie Larivée, Paul Allen Miller, Gianfranco Ferraro, Marta Faustino, Michael Chase, Konrad Banicki, Pierre Vesperini, Hélder Telo, Daniele Lorenzini, Paulo Lima, Federico Testa, Matthew Sharpe, Fábio Serranito, John Sellars, Eli Kramer and Gary Herstein.

Table of contents and further information here.

Philosophical Talks #1

February 22, 2024

In partnership with Lisbon City Council, this project invites everyone to attend the first Philosophical Talk on Happiness, which will take place in Lisbon, Ler Devagar.

The talk will count with the participation of Professors António de Castro Caeiro and Jorge Humberto Dias, and will be moderated by Marta Faustino.

Entrance is free. All welcome!

More info here.

PWL International Seminar | Session 10

February 14, 2024

The tenth session of the PWL International Seminar will take place on February 17 (4 PM UTC). Daniel Wyche will give a talk with the title “The Practice of Dignity: Martin Luther King, Howard Thurman, and Political Self-Purification”.

More info here.

Philosophical Talks

February 2, 2024

In partnership with several Municipal Councils, institutions and organizations, the project organizes a series of Philosophical Talks dedicated to themes of perennial interest, which have occupied and preoccupied philosophical reflection since its origins.

The talks will be held in Portugal and in Portuguese.

Full information here.

New member of our team

January 20, 2024

Pedro Dotto is the winner of the post-doc position offered by the project.

In the next six months he will be in Lisbon for a research stay at IFILNOVA in the context of this project.

During this period he will develop a project on the literary-poetic topos of the choice of lives as the cultural background of the tradition of philosophy as a way of life and the relationship between Plato’s criticism of writing in the Phaedrus and the subject of philosophy as a way of life.

Full profile available here.

PWL International Seminar | Session 9

January 17, 2024

The next session of the PWL International Seminar will take place on January 17 (4 PM UTC). Laura Mueller will give a talk with the title “Vicious Academics”.

More info here.

New Year Course

January 15 – February 9, 2024

In partnership with Centro Luís Krus, the project offers a New Year Course on Philosophy as a Way of Life in two modules, which can be attended together or separately. The course will be taught online and in Portuguese language. 

Full information here.

PWL International Seminar | Session 8

December 20, 2023

The eigth session of the PWL International Seminar will take place on December 20 (4 PM UTC). Jordi Crespo will give a talk with the title “Correspondence Matters: Friendship as (Trans)Formative Cultural Drive at Individual and Social Level”.

More info here.

Book Presentation

December 13, 2023

On December 13, 2023 (2h30 PM, Rome time) Laura Macor will present her recently published book Il mestiere di uomo. La concezione pratica della filosofia nel tardo illuminismo tedesco (Morcelliana, Brescia 2023).

The book presentation will take place at the University of Verona, but online attendance will be possible. Please contact Prof. Davide Poggi to receive the link. 

The event will be in Italian.

PWL International Seminar | Session 7

November 15, 2023

The next session of the PWL International Seminar will take place on November 15 (4 PM UTC). Caleb Cohoe will give a talk with the title “Augustine’s On The Trinity as Protrepticus and Spiritual Exercise: The Christian Pursuit of Inner Wisdom”.

More info here.

Online Forum

November 9, 2023

On Thu 9 November, at 7 PM AEDT there will be a zoom forum on Christopher Gill’s Learning to Live Naturally: Stoic Ethics and its Modern Significance.

Prof. Gill will speak for 30 mins, followed by 15 minute presentations on different aspects of the book by Assoc. Prof. Matt Sharpe (ACU philosophy) and Judy Stove, assistant editor of Stoicism Today. There will then be 60 minutes of Q&A with Christopher Gill.

More information here.

New book

October 20, 2023

Simone D’Agostino‘s reference work Esercizi spirituali e filosofia moderna: Bacon, Descartes, Spinoza is now available in English language.

As the third volume in Brill’s series on Philosophy as a Way of Life, the book explores the close link between asceticism and access to truth in the early modern period, focusing in particular on Francis Bacon’s New Organon (1620), René Descartes’ Discourse on the Method (1637), and Baruch Spinoza’s Treatise on the Emendation of the Intellect (1677). The author aims to show that these modern works fully deserve to be counted among the tradition of philosophy as way of life.

More information here.

PWL International Seminar | Session 6

October 18, 2023

The sixth session of the PWL International Seminar will take place on October 18 (4 PM UTC+1). Hélder Telo will give a talk with the title “Philosophy as Askēsis or Pathos? A Heideggerian Challenge to Hadot and Foucault”.

More info here.

Post-Doc Position (6 months)

October 2, 2023

The project is going to offer a post-doc scholarship for a 6-months research stay at the Nova Institute of Philosophy (IFILNOVA), in Lisbon.

The call is open until October 16, 5 PM (Lisbon time).

The description of the position and admission requirements can be found here.

The PWL International Seminar is Back

September 20, 2023

The fifth session of the PWL International Seminar will take place on September 20 (2 PM UTC). Matteo Stettler will present a paper with the title “Dante and the Bolognese Averroists: On Philosophy as a Profession and a Way of Life in XIII and XIV Century Italy”.

More info here.

New edited collection

July 20, 2023

The volume Wittgensteinian Exercises. Aesthetic and Ethical Transformations, edited by Lucilla Guidi, has just been published by Brill.

The book explores and expands a Wittgensteinian account of philosophy as an ongoing transformative practice. It investigates the simultaneously aesthetic and ethical dimension of philosophical exercises, so as to uncover their transformative potential for and within ordinary practice, conceived of as a weave of inherited embodied habits. In so doing, it explores new ways of doing philosophy in a Wittgensteinian spirit.

More information and table of contents here.

Kick-Off Conference

July 5-6, 2023

The kick-off conference of the project will take place on 5-6 July, at the New University of Lisbon (NOVA-FCSH).

The conference will be dedicated to a metaphilosophical discussion of PWL, under the title “What Exactly is Philosophy as a Way of Life? Boundaries, Crossroads, Deadlocks“, and it will count with the participation of John Sellars, Eli Kramer, Jordi Crespo, Elettra Stimilli, Federico Testa, Pawel Odyniec, António de Castro Caeiro, Hélder Telo, Fábio Serranito, Matthew Sharpe, Matteo Stettler and Gianfranco Ferraro.

Registration required only for online attendance via email to

More information and programme here.

Fourth session of the PWL International Seminar

June 14, 2023

The last session of the PWL International Seminar this academic year will take place on Wednesday, June 14, at 4 PM (UTC+1). Lucas Nascimento Machado will give a talk with the title “Life Beyond Capitalism: An Attempt at an Interlocution Between Hadot, Foucault and Byung-Chul Han”. 

More information here.

Online Conference

May 22-24, 2023

On May 22-24, Pawel Odyniec & Ervik Cejvan organize an online conference on “Spiritual Exercises, Self-Transformation and Liberation in Philosophy, Theology and Religion”. The conference is organized by Lund University & Karlstad University.

Speakers include Chakravarthi Ram-Prasad, Matthew Sharpe, Xiaojun Ding, Marta Faustino, Karl-Stephan Bouthilette, Jordi Crespo, Jessica Frazier, James Madaio, and Eli Kramer. The full programme can be found here.

More information and registration here.

Next session of the PWL International Seminar

May 10, 2023

The third session of the PWL International Seminar will take place next Wednesday, May 10, at 4 PM (UTC+1). Eli Kramer & Leonard Waks will give a talk with the title “Growth Unbound: John Dewey on the Socio-Cultural Role of Philosophy as a Way of Life”. 

More information here.

Workshop With Prof. Richard Shusterman

April 26, 2023

Next Wednesday (April 26) Prof. Richard Shusterman will be in Lisbon for a workshop dedicated to the discussion of his recently published book Philosophy and the Art of Writing (Routledge, 2022). Besides Shusterman, Antonio Cardiello, Bartholomew Ryan, Eli Kramer, Hélder Telo and Marta Faustino will intervene in the discussion. 

Full programme here.

Second session of the PWL International Seminar

April 12, 2023

The next session of the PWL International Seminar is already next Wednesday, April 12, at 12 PM (UTC+1). John Sellars will give a talk on “Aristotle and Philosophy as a Way of Life”. 

More information here.

New date for Matthew Sharpe’s talk

March 21, 2023

The seminar session with Matthew Sharpe has been rescheduled for Tuesday, March 21, at 8 PM (UTC). The title of his talk is “Considerations on Philosophy as a Way of Life as Historiography of Philosophy: Restricted and Expanded Programs”. 

More information here.

First session of the PWL International Seminar

March 8, 2023

The PWL International Seminar starts already this Wednesday, March 8, at 8 PM (UTC). Matthew Sharpe will give a talk with the title “Considerations on Philosophy as a Way of Life as Historiography of Philosophy: Restricted and Expanded Programs”.

More information here.

New translation

March 2, 2023

Pierre Hadot’s final work, N’oublie pas de vivre: Goethe et la tradition des exercices spirituels, is now available in English! Translation by Michael Chase, with a foreword by Arnold I. Davidson and Daniele Lorenzini.

Check it out here!

Project launch

March 1, 2023

The exploratory project “Mapping Philosophy as a Way of Life: An Ancient Model, a Contemporary Approach” starts today! Get to know the project, meet the team and stay tuned for all the upcoming events, including the virtual seminar starting next week!